student story

How School Of Ministry Changed My Life

By Michael Aviel, Student at SOM 2020 Heart Module

“No man is an island,” I remember my mom echoing this truth into my ears, hoping perhaps, her words would change my disposition with regards to friendship. Like most introverts, I had grown quite comfortable with my own alone space; a true lone ranger by today’s standards. 

We go to school to learn mostly academically, but also about life and how to be a productive part of the infrastructure of our society. We go to school to be prepared for our futures, to learn lessons and prepare for our paths. But what better way to be prepared for the challenging aspects of life than to spend it at a School of Ministry. 

At the beginning of the year I found myself having this desire in my heart for more. This desire brought me to one of the world’s most beacons for revival — Catch the Fire School of Ministry.

It was here that my introverted world, and my heart which I had caged, collided with happy faces! Imagine how uncomfortable I felt — your typical do-it-all-by-yourself introvert, being in an environment of real connections and relationship!  Vulnerability was the key, as the school is built upon the principles of Godly openness. It’s an openness that bellows, “There is no shame in love!”

Most introverts are treasure chests simply afraid to open up to the wrong people. They require a certain level of trust and love to open up. But the problem is this, such trust and love is rarely found in the world. Instead, most attempt to opening up are met with criticism and cliché selfish experiences.

Still, they are places where love reigns, places like Catch The Fire School Of Ministry.

My first week at the School here was different. There was an atmosphere that invited me to put down my guard, and to pursue friendship and relationship. With every week came a new level of healing, healing of the heart and healing of my emotions.

The hearts is an integral part of us, no wonder why God has desired to make it His dwelling place. And He desires to have the heart connected with other happy hearts. Our hearts were never meant to float through the oceans of life as lone ships; we were created for connections.

Day by day, I have learned to live in tune with my heart. And this became my prayer anthem to Jesus, “May You forever keep me in touch with my heart. And may I know what it means to live from the heart. Grant me the courage to refuse to sit in the high towers of logic - and gift me with childlikeness; the wildness to run into the jungles of my heart, aflame with emotion for you.”

I learned to open up through the various heart works God did in me. I learnt to trust, to love and be vulnerable. I came here an introvert, with towering walls of protection around my heart - but oh, how I love how God came crushing my walls down so that I can learn to relate. This place taught me the value of relationship and fellowship.

No man is an island! No heart was meant to be shrouded away. God created us for connections.