3 Ways The School of Ministry Changed Me

By Dwayne Dueck, School Of Ministry Graduate 2020

Identifying and Addressing not Suppressing

   I’ve learned the importance of taking time to identify what is going on, what I’m experiencing, and what I’m feeling. Before coming to the School Of Ministry I would normally suppress and try to avoid my feelings, especially the uncomfortable ones. The school has really given me great practical tools and tips on how to identify what is actually happening within me and then to dig into it and address the root source, which often ends up being an old issue or belief raising its head again in my life letting me know I haven’t fully dealt with. I’ve realized just how important it is for me to pay attention to my emotions and what they’re actually telling me.


        The School has helped me learn how to have and cultivate more mature relationships. I've really benefited from the many teachings they have on relationships and how to communicate with other people, especially since I was dating during school and switched to long-distance. I’ve learned a lot about how to communicate my feelings in a situation, while also not being completely controlled by them. Learning these things has really helped me build an even stronger connection with my girlfriend even through long distance.

Understanding of God

        Another incredible thing that I’ve really appreciated learning here at the School of Ministry is the different aspects of God and His heart for me. I think oftentimes I’ve viewed God as distant and less caring and at the school, I met him as my loving Father. Understanding just how good God is and how much he loves me makes me excited to live my life in pursuit of Him.

God is continuing to change me and this whole season has definitely been worth all the sacrifices it took to be here!

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